Course Prerequisites
Open to CSF Members and Public Positive Attitude Hearing Protection Eye Protection Semiautomatic Pistol Holster covering trigger guard area (OWB or drop-leg preferred) Spare Magazine(s) 1 Spare Magazine if capacity 12 or greater 2 Spare Magazines if capacity from 7 to 11 3 Spare Magazines if capacity under 7 Ammunition (100 rounds minimum, 200 recommended) Inert Ammunition (2 or 3 recommended - snap caps, a-zoom, etc.) Register online to reserve spot
Course Instructors
Jody Lewis (CSF / Rehv Arms) Devin Ditsch (Rehv Arms) Steve Powell (CSF)
Course Information
Class intended for individuals that already understand 5 fundamentals of pistol shooting and want to refine skills. Classroom topics are intended to start preparing for carrying pistols with basic considerations/actions. Classroom time will be 1 to 1.5 hours and will start at 11:00. Topics to be covered in classroom: Safety Firearm Conditions Situational Awareness OODA-Loop Mental Preparedness Range time will be from 2 to 4 hours and will start at 11:15. Range shooting objectives will be: Practicing the Aiming (Sight Alignment & Sight Picture) and Follow Through portions of the 5 Fundamentals Controlling Trigger Finger (indexing vs. on trigger) Learning to use the Trigger Reset Clearing Malfunctions Proper Magazine Replacement Techniques Eliminating Tunnel Vision (checking surroundings) While shooting at range expectations: An RSO (Range Safety Officer) will be overseeing all aspects to ensure a safe shooting line. Safety Briefing and Event Procedures prior to shooting. Instructors will be on firing line to assist in the shooting experience. Hearing protection and Eye protection will be required. Two different drills to practice aiming accurately. Each drill takes 50 rounds to complete. If one section of a drill is desired to practice on, extra ammunition will be needed. Recommended to bring at least 200 rounds of ammunition. Targets will be provided. Semi-automatic pistol will be needed (not provided) - revolvers cannot perform all drills. Spare Magazine(s) will be required. Number depending on capacity (refer to course prerequisites above). A holster will be needed to keep pistol safe. OWB (Out of Waist Band) or Drop-Leg holsters recommended. IWB (In Waist Band) permissible, but not desired. When not firing on line, all pistols will be holstered with Magazine removed and no round in chamber.
Safety Firearm Conditions Situational Awareness OODA-Loop Mental Preparedness
An RSO (Range Safety Officer) will be overseeing all aspects to ensure a safe shooting line. Safety Briefing and Event Procedures prior to shooting. Instructors will be on firing line to assist in the shooting experience. Hearing protection and Eye protection will be required. Two different drills to practice aiming accurately. Each drill takes 50 rounds to complete. If one section of a drill is desired to practice on, extra ammunition will be needed. Recommended to bring at least 200 rounds of ammunition. Targets will be provided. Semi-automatic pistol will be needed (not provided) - revolvers cannot perform all drills. Spare Magazine(s) will be required. Number depending on capacity (refer to course prerequisites above). A holster will be needed to keep pistol safe. OWB (Out of Waist Band) or Drop-Leg holsters recommended. IWB (In Waist Band) permissible, but not desired. When not firing on line, all pistols will be holstered with Magazine removed and no round in chamber.
Free Deposit may be required to prevent no-show's. Deposit would be returned or dismissed (if credit card) upon attending class.
Special thanks to Rehv Arms for suggesting this training event and helping make it possible.